• Involving community and youthCreating entrepreneurial initatives together

  • Learning by doing,out of the classroom

  • transforming communities and education


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Timeline posts from our network partners

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  1. The exiting journey with OASIS Learning Village Erasmus + Project is coming to an end or to new cycle of Learning. After 18 months starting with prepartion with european partners and prepartion of participants, prepartion and building realionship with the community in Bad Gandersheim – to the training and action-learning […]

  2. I exercise my appreciative gaze in my neighbourhood, looking at the things around me andtrying to discover beauty. It strikes me, as I didn’t notice some of the beauty before. Tree trunks, flowers, the sparkling of the river, even bridges hold beauty when you take the time to discover. The […]

  3. Our assumption in applying it in a small-town village context was that we work with a context in which we could explore and experience more deeply the saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. This saying invites us all to be educators and responsible to create a positive environment for growth. Although it speaks of a child, my conviction is that the child represents us all here. Although the program took place in an actual village setting, what really came through to me was that ‘it takes a village life approach, to raise us all’.

  4. Today is day 3. We have been out to the community before, we have walked the streets of Bad Gandersheim blindfolded yet hearing, smelling and feeling this pretty town, we have talked to total strangers out on these streets. We found many beauties, made connections and had challenging conversations as […]

  5. From dream to reality on two weekends, this challenge was presented to the residents of Bad Gandersheim in Germany and guests from 6 EU countries. Many said the first it is not possible – and were quite surprised what power arises when many people of different origins and ages tackle […]

  6. The Erasmus + project CEAL – “Community of Entrepreneurs – Action Learning Program” has been selected as a “success story” by a panel of experts from the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission. “Success stories” are finalised projects that have distinguished themselves by their impact, […]

CEAL in Action

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Want to create your own CEAL-program?

Download material

CEAL-process design package works like a step by step roadmap. The model and its supporting tools help you to design your CEAL-program. It is aimed at you as user to take the right steps to prepare the field for your program and to design a program by filling in a process design timeline, considering all the important elements that guarantee a quality CEAL experience.

CEAL Process Map

The CEAL-programm design map supports you to design your own CEAL programm, which you follow in order to plan your activities using the CEAL-activity cards

CEAL guide

The CEAL guide give you an overview about the CEAL methodology, many insides from ceal process experiences.

CEAL learning videos

Get inspired by insights and learnings from CEAL process experiences.

CEAL infographic

The CEAL infographic explain you short and significant the main elments and flow of CEAL process.

CEAL facilitation tool cardset

The CEAL tool cards give you a introduction to varius tools you can use in CEAL process.

CEAL activity cardset

Design your CEAL process and fill your process timeline with the activity cards.

Community-based Entrepreneurship Action Learning

About Us

This process has been created by the CEAL-Network, a group of 6 organizations from 5 different European countries. The network developed and applied a model inspired by the Brazilian community transformation process 'Oasis Game', enriched by our experience in working with youth, community development, social entrepreneurship and education programs in diverse contexts. CEAL is a multi-phase model to design a program, using a collection of methods, tools and strategies for social innovation. We offer a learning experience that helps participants to create opportunities of collaboration and growth in the diversity and complexity of communities, while collaborating towards a positive local impact.

Our growing Network


Instituto ELOS

Santos / Brasil

GSA Madrid

Madrid / Spain


Madrid / Spain

Kiribil Sarea

Basque Country / Spain



Ideenhochdrei e.V.


Edventure: Frome




Marriott Stiftung für zeitgemäße Bildung

CEAL Network was initally supporded by ERASMUS + KA-2 strategic partnership :


Do you have any idea in mind? Contact us,