Training Frome


After our first training in Madrid we came with our primary local partners to Frome in the UK for a 5 day gathering with the main purpose of getting fully acquainted with the Edventure model and to further deepen our practice of designing programs using their experience with pedagogical frameworks of the community entreprise school they run.

In October 2015 the Frome team hosted the Entrepreneurship and Education training in the town of Frome hosting 24 participants, additional to involved professionals welcoming youth related to the local projects. The group gained knowledge and experience on the Edventure’s business model and core-processes, and how to facilitate reflective learning sessions and action learning sets, how to design community enterprise challenges, lead a group of participants through an experience / challenge to gain community enterprise and personal leadership skills. This was very useful as the aspect of adding a challenge into the CEAL-pilots was a key aspect.

The Edventure training was very experiential. It involved short, practical training sessions, followed
by a process of applying the learning to the partners own context and reflection. The activities of the training were:
– introduction to edventure model – (link to more information)
– Introduction to concrete projects realized in From over the last years as examples
– short workshops in tools to use during pilots and for design of pilots. These included ‘action learning sets’, design community enterprise challenges, facilitate reflective learning sessions, apply team development models to aid reflection and team supervision.
– After workshops or content sessions, the group got the space for working sessions, to use the input for either further development of the pilot design or working sessions of several subgroups setup in the partnership such as ‘pedagogical framework’, ‘measuring impact’, ‘communication’ and ‘learning platform’.
– lecture of Jean J. Bolton

The program was set up as follows;
Day 1: Afternoon and evening : check-in and storytelling workshop – most significant change
Day 2: Morning: workshop session of 2 hours and community projects visit for inspiration – topic community mobilization
Afternoon: workshop and participatory session on action-learning sets, reflection of learnings and worksessions
Evening: project visits and presentation of community entrepreneurs

Day 3: Morning: workshop session of 2 hours and community projects visit for inspiration – topic local economy and entrepreneurship
Afternoon: reflection of learnings and worksessions on designing challenge phase of pilot projects.
Evening: lecture of Jean J Bolton

Day 4: Morning: workshop session of 2 hours and training in Edventure model and designing challenges.
Afternoon: reflection of learnings and worksessions on designing challenge phase of pilot projects.

Day 5: Morning: check-out and harvest of most important lessons to take forward.


Download Frome training report