The National Distance Education University (UNED) has as its mission the public service of higher education through the modality of distance education.

The spanish educational partner of CEAL Network is the “Cátedra UNESCO de Educación Ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible” from UNED – The UNESCO Chair of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development. Is an academic space of research, training, information and cooperation. This chair its framed in the UNITWIN programme – UNESCO Chairs within UNESCO organization. At UNED it is located within the broad framework of activities developed by the International Relationships Vice-rectorate.

Facts and figures about UNED: With more than 205,000 students, UNED has the largest student population in Spain and is one of the largest universities in Europe. Since 1972, UNED has sought to translate into action the principle of equal opportunity in access to higher education through a methodology based on the principles of distance learning and focused on the needs of the student. UNED is the leader in the implementation of cutting edge technologies applied to learning, with the largest offer of virtual courses in Spain. UNED offers a very wide range of training.